Military & Police
- Written by: John Farnum
- Category: Military & Police
- Hits: 3837
The Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) is ostensibly and organization made up of “police executives” who seek to “improve policing.” In my opinion, it is little more than a police-hating, leftist-front, dedicated only to advancing leftist politics. Guest editorial from John Farnam originally published at Ammoland
Read more: Police Executive Research Forum’s Do Nothing Standards
- Written by: Mark Sullivan
- Category: Military & Police
- Hits: 392494
Gun Buyers Club is a big supporter of our military and police. We want to do everything possible to help law enforcement solve crime and put the bad guys where they belong - behind bars. But one thing we know is that infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens is NOT the way to help police do their job. Finally, after 15 years and a failed program, the State of Maryland agrees!
Read more: Maryland's 15-Year Old Ballistic Fingerprint Database FAIL!