JACKSON – Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, (MDWFP) aquatic plant control personnel found Giant Salvinia, an aggressive invasive plant, in Ross Barnett Reservoir recently. The plant was sparsely distributed over a 5-acre area in Pelahatchie Bay. MDWFP personnel will use herbicides to control the Giant Salvinia. According to Fisheries Biologist Dennis Riecke “this plant grows rapidly and forms thick surface mats which can prevent boating. Once aquatic invasive species are released into our natural waters, they are very difficult and expensive to control. Anglers and boaters are encouraged to clean, drain and dry their boating equipment after each use and certainly before traveling to fish or boat at a different location to limit the spread of aquatic invasive species.
It is illegal to release or cause to be released either intentionally or accidentally any aquatic species into the waters of the state. Doing so is a Class 1 violation.
Anglers and boaters are encouraged to report all non-native aquatic species they encounter to the MDWFP Fisheries Bureau.
Those seeking additional information may call the MDWFP Fisheries Bureau at (601) 432-2200.