While most California duck and goose hunters will hang up their waders and stow their shotguns a final time following the close of waterfowl seasons Jan. 31, a few lucky groups get to extend their hunting seasons into February.
The Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days, the Veterans and Active Military Personnel Waterfowl Hunting Days, and some late-season goose hunts take place in February (and in some cases extend into March). For those able to participate, these special, post-season opportunities are some of the most anticipated hunts on the calendar.
Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days, Feb. 5-6, 2022
Licensed hunters 17 and younger get a weekend of waterfowling all to themselves without having to compete with adults for birds or places to hunt. These young hunters must be accompanied by a non-shooting adult 18 or older. Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days take place Saturday Feb. 5 and Sunday Feb. 6, 2022, in the Balance of the State, Southern San Joaquin Valley, and Southern California zones on both public and private property.
Many of California’s most popular and productive public waterfowl hunting areas will reopen for the youth hunt days. For Type A public hunting areas, young hunters and their mentors can access these properties with a reservation, through an onsite lottery or first-come, first-served list. These state and federal wildlife areas and refuges typically have plenty of room to accommodate all the youth hunters who turn out.
Many California private duck clubs also will also open their doors to welcome the next generation of waterfowlers for the youth hunt weekend to help ensure the kids and their mentors have a safe and memorable time.
In addition to a valid California hunting license, all hunters will need a current Harvest Information Program (HIP) Validation. Those hunters 16 and older will need a signed, federal duck