Cory Booker's 14-point gun control plan is one of the most aggressive from 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. | Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images Sen. Cory Booker is rolling out a sweeping gun control agenda that includes requiring licenses for all gun owners, as well as more standard proposals such as conducting universal background checks and banning assault weapons. The 14-part plan[1] unveiled Monday is part of what Booker said was a “personal fight” to combat a gun violence "epidemic," and it amounts to one of the most aggressive gun control proposals from a 2020 Democrat. It's also sure to face fierce pushback from gun rights’ groups like the National Rifle Association. Story Continued Below The core tenet of the New Jersey senator’s proposal is a federal gun licensing program that would require among other things a comprehensive FBI background check and proof of completion of a gun safety course. After a license is approved, holders “could freely purchase and own firearms” for the five-year duration of their license “with regular, automatic checks to flag non-compliance with license terms” and the possibility of renewal after five years. The plan would also ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines as well as bump stocks, and includes instituting a universal background check system to be enforced on sales at gun shows and in private and online sales, policies gun control advocates have been united in pushing for. Booker cited broad support in polls even among members of the NRA for universal background checks, and a provision requiring them was included in a gun control bill passed by House Democrats in February. COUNTDOWN TO 2020 [2]The race for 2020 starts now. Stay in the know. Follow our presidential election coverage. By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO. You can unsubscribe at

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