[shivers] The NRA, long suspected of being a big bag of tax illegalities[1], spent a lot of money on candidates like Donald Trump and Mike Pence, so it makes sense that our current president and his Ambien-nodding vice president would speak at the prow of the sinking ship[2]. The NRA is holding its annual convention in Indianapolis, with Trump and Pence speaking on Friday. One of the great ironies at NRA events is the words that come out of the mouths of people speaking there are usually enough of an argument for the Second Amendment … to protect oneself against the tyranny of the people in the NRA. Vice President Pence promoted his usual brand of madness, delivered in his exceptionally banal yet evil way. Of course, it included some special highlights. According to gun safety advocate Shannon Watts, Pence wants everyone to know that a big part of his Christian values includes no abortions, and dead children killed by guns. xVice President Mike Pence just had the nerve to say being at the @NRA’s annual meeting is part of his pro-life agenda. What about the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have been killed or injured by gun violence? #NRAAM2019 #NRAAM[3][4][5]— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) April 26, 2019[6] Facts are facts: Twice as many children die due to firearms in states with lenient gun laws.[7] Yet here what Pence said about midway through his tortuously long 20-minute speech: Pence: The radical left, every day, it's true, the same people who threaten your right to self-defense want to stifle our economy by raising taxes and increasing regulation. The same people who want to take away your inalienable rights routinely denigrate the faith of millions of Americans, and advocate late-term abortion and even infanticide. I'll make you promise under this president and this administration we will stand without apology for the sanctity of human life. According to ABC News[8], Pence also had this to say in reference to Joe

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