Trump, NRA convention to be greeted by protesters in Indianapolis
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CLOSE The annual convention that bills itself as "15 acres of guns and gear" opens Friday at the Indiana Convention Center. Stephen J. Beard, stephen.beard@indystar.comA few dozen protesters of the three-day National Rifle Association convention in Indianapolis began gathering at the Indiana Statehouse around midday Friday, with plans to march to the convention site, Lucas Oil Stadium, around noon. Their arrival at the stadium could immediately follow planned remarks at the convention by Vice President Mike Pence and President Donald Trump. NRA convention in Indianapolis: Everything you need to know Gun rights supporters are in town.Here's where it's legal to carry a gun.[1][2]One protester, former IPS educator Nina Rozes, says she lost three former students to gun violence involving gangs, a lack of firearms safety and other factors.“The NRA is so loud, especially in Indianapolis," said Rozes, who says she doesn't oppose the Second Amendment, "but I wanted to show there’s another side to the situation.”Protest organizer Kathleen Robertson said before the protest's start that she wanted to put on the event because she believes the president has “an unholy union” with the NRA.“It’s been real interesting over the last three years because people are afraid to say something,” said Robertson, who describes Trump’s policies as a “creeping fascism.”She brought small "Baby Trump" balloons, larger versions of which have been flown by protesters during or ahead of presidential visits to the U.S.-Mexico border[3] earlier this month, a G-20 summit last fall in Buenos Aires[4] and Britain's House of Commons[5] last summer.Another protester, Kim Saylor, came dressed as the Hamburglar — a reference to Trump serving fast food to Clemson Tigers football players at the White House to celebrate the team's national[6]— Alexandria Burris (@AllyBurris) April 26, 2019[7]Call IndyStar reporter Alexandria Burris at 317-617-2690. Follow her on Twitter: @allyburris. Read or Share this story:^ Everything