Article: Looking Backward [to 2009]: Fox News, the Republican Party, and the Not-Loyal Opposition
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"If this nation doesn't kill racism, racism will kill this nation." (Steven Jonas, August, 2018)
In the light of the publication of Jane
Mayer's very important article[1], "The Making of the Fox News White House"
in The New Yorker, I thought that it might be useful to revisit a column
that I published on the same subject in the former on-line newsmagazine
BuzzFlash. (Founded by my friend Mark
Karlin in 2001, it was one of the earliest journals of its kind.) The column is focused on both the then in-formation
"Tea Party" and the role of what I then called the Fox "News" Channel in making
it a political reality. The Fox"News"
role in promoting the Far Right hasn't changed.
(Actually, with Fox' strong assistance, there is no other "Right" in the
U.S.) In fact, Jane Mayer shows us how Fox'
role has gotten more intense.
Also, Republican politics haven't changed
much. Driven by what I for years have
called the Right-Wing
Imperative[2], it has just continued to go further in that
direction. For the most part, Trump himself
has just gotten rid of the dog-whistles. That is important to be reminded of as
Trump is confronted and the battle against him and what
he stands for[3] becomes evermore intense. And after all, two of the leaders of the
original "Tea Party" (see just below, now called the buffed up "Freedom Caucus")
occupy key positions (for which they are uniquely unqualified) in the Trump Administration:
Mike Pompeo at State and Mick Mulvaney, Budget Director and also Acting Chief
of Staff.
Secretary Pompeo at the Inauguration Ceremony of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. .Oh boy,. he says, licking his chops. .Another Trump, just where we need him..(Image[4] by U.S. Department of State[5]) Details DMCA[6][7]
The original column, entitled "Death and Taxes,"
was published towards the end of April, 2009.
Since some time ago BuzzFlash changed its URL system and I don't have
the updated