As America’s national tragedy[1] rolls on and on — long after Sandy Hook[2], Orlando[3], Las Vegas[4] and even a full year past Parkland[5] – the world is losing its ability to be shocked by mass shootings in the United States. Michael Moore’s documentary, “Bowling for Columbine[6]“ now seems like a downright prescient prediction. Today the conversation about protecting innocent children and adults alike from gun violence[7] has become so extreme that people largely forget the common ground between conservatives and liberals when it comes to gun safety – 70 percent agreement[8] about almost any issue is amazing. That the NRA[9] — a small, unrepresentative and increasingly unhinged lobbying organization — continues to have so much sway only adds to the national lunacy. It’s no wonder that Russia finds this group useful[10]. But here are the counter-examples, and these unlikely gun control activists are only a selection of many. 1. Representative Leonard Lance Former House Republican Leonard Lance[11] received the backing of a pro-gun control group last year in his reelection bid — despite his rural upbringing, GOP bona fides and general support for the Second Amendment[12]. Lance hasn’t always voted for gun control legislation, but he shows a commonsense approach that balances general support for gun use within reasonable limits — which is more than some of his NRA-funded colleagues can say. Lance didn’t win the election, but he’s earned the right to sleep soundly at night by voting for and co-sponsoring legislation intended to prevent the sale of bump stocks and access to guns by the mentally ill. 2. Dr. Sterling Haring This Kentucky physician is not only a gun owner with multiple weapons[13], but he also has the type of assault-style rifle most frequently favored by mass shooters. Haring has treated gunshot victims after mass shootings that took place near his workplace. So while he hasn’t given up his guns, you will find him in front of crowds leading the charge for gun control measures to

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