Letters: 2/7/19 - Boulder Weekly
- Category: Gun Rights News Archives
- Hits: 471
Wikimedia Commons On the Buzzfeed Trump story
As much as one hates to venture into conspiracy speculation, the evidence of clandestine happenings in media and politics is indisputable, and here the Buzzfeed Cohen/Trump story has all the markings of a Russian counter intelligence program operation intended to discount the credibility of the Mueller investigation. The release of a false story, followed by a predictable official claim of its inaccuracy, is a classic example of an effort to manipulate public opinion. Predictably, conservative talk radio is hot on the trail, decrying, “Fake News! Fake News!” and Trump supporters are eagerly joining the show.
Robert Porath/Boulder
On proposed gun ranges
Thanks for the informative article, “On the range.” (Re: News, Jan. 17, 2019). We used to have three outdoor ranges in Boulder County. I like how the need for a public range was fairly presented since the blanket forest restrictions, annexations and those without a brain have absolutely created this problem. Also, the writer was clear that forest restrictions will not affect hunters. This point should be listened to carefully, particularly by those anti-hunters.
In effect, the NRA is also a group of anti-hunters, when they spew, “the Second Amendment is not about hunting.” Hunters use their guns enough to hold their firearm responsibilities in high regard versus the average handgun nut that can’t wait until the time to use it. Even so, I should not generalize about handgunners because many shoot safely without question.
Where I saw some bias was in the paragraph, “Though it represents a solution to the problem posed by dispersed shooting in the forests, communities near the potential ranges have expressed concern about noise, wildlife disruption and water contamination from spent lead bullets.” I find that almost funny, given the mass influx of humanity that has made things worse for our state