Failed GOP presidential nominee and newly minted Utah senator Mitt Romney couldn’t even wait until he was sworn into office before he submitted his anti-Trump editorial to the vehemently anti-Trump Washington Post. [1]
Despite his public image as a wholesome and honest man, an image that he has labored indefatigably to craft, Romney is, in truth, the embodiment of all that is wrong and bad with the Republican Party and, by extension, the conservative movement.
In other words, for as reprehensible as so-called “RINOs” undoubtedly are, few are as contemptible as is Romney.
In fact, it is worse than this: Romney embodies all that is wrong with American politics.
When John Kerry ran against George W. Bush in 2004, his Republican opponents in D.C. and the conservative media successfully, and accurately, branded him a “flip-flopper.” Yet with respect to flip-flopping on political issues, Kerry was a piker relative to Romney. Kerry at least never pretended to be anything other than the New England, “liberal” Democrat that he has always been.
Romney, in glaring contrast, though always self-identifying as a Republican, has oscillated on key issues from one position to the next, depending on what he thought would serve his political interests.
When Romney ran for the presidency in 2008 and 2012, he exhausted himself assuring the GOP base that he was an opponent of abortion. Yet for most of his career, not only has Romney been a proponent of “women’s choice;” he regularly sought to frustrate the efforts of those who recognized abortion for the evil that it is.
Twenty-five years ago, while he ran against Ted Kennedy for a senator’s seat in Massachusetts, Romney made sure to have his photograph taken at