On the day the decision was released, Justice Scalia spoke for 16 minutes from the US Supreme Court bench explaining the decision. The following is a brief excerpt in which he explains that the Second Amendment is “not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” First among these exceptions is that prohibitions on concealed carry are Constitutional to which the four justices who dissented were in complete agreement on this point. All 9 justices were unanimous in that concealed carry is not a right.
The US Supreme Court has already denied a concealed carry cert petition from the 9th circuit this term, just as it has denied the concealed carry cert petitions these past ten years from every court in this nation, including those like the NRA’s cert petition in Peruta v. San Diego which falsely claimed to be a lawsuit about “carrying” despite arguing in the lower courts that states can, should and must ban Open Carry.
The NRA, through its official state organization in New Jersey, has filed another concealed carry cert petition out of the 3rd circuit. This time the NRA does not argue in its petition that the plaintiffs seek to carry in some manner (openly or concealed). The NRA makes it perfectly clear in its latest cert petition that they seek concealed carry and that states can ban Open Carry in favor of concealed carry even though New Jersey handgun Carry licenses do not require one to carry his handgun concealed.
There is No Fool Like an NRA Fool
Likewise, Massachusetts handgun carry licenses do not require one to carry his handgun concealed. The same NRA lawyer will be filing a cert petition out of that state