I’m a big advocate of common sense. Yes, it is true that I have only a limited supply of walking-around powers but even I know we have a huge problem with illegal guns in the United States. Already we’ve had 85 incidents at our schools in 2018. In Chicago, there have been 125 shot and 36 dead in the month of November alone, and, in what has become a holiday tradition, the shooting gallery on Thanksgiving weekend in the Windy City is heart-breaking.
That’s according to Gun Violence Archives, which also reveals that in all 50 of our United States through Nov. 22 we’ve had 50,870 shootings that have killed 13,046 this year. That includes 596 children under the age of 10 and 2,528 teenagers up to the age on 17. And people don’t think this is a vicious epidemic?
Earlier this month you paid hardly any attention to “another shooting” in California, where, on Nov. 7, a 28-year-old Marine veteran walked into a country-western bar in Thousand Oaks, Ca., and proceeded to murder 13 innocent people while wounding 12 others. The gunman was killed in the insensible melee but now mass shootings are so boring and mundane we’ve gotten actually numbed and calloused. We’d rather watch the weatherman.
What you did see on the day