The loss of the U.S. House will probably usher in a mindset of revenge in lieu of bipartisanship and making policy beneficial to our nation.

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Letters to the editor(Photo: IndyStar)Buy Photo

Whether you like President Donald Trump or not, it's evident that he, along with Congress, have accomplished undeniable positive policy enactments for the betterment of individuals and the United States.

Examples include: a growing economy, higher GDP numbers, tax cuts, lower unemployment, deregulation of burdensome mandates, a stronger military, better foreign relationships with U.S. foes and fighting for fairer trade internationally, to name a few.

The loss of the U.S. House of Representatives to Democrats will probably usher in a mindset of revenge in lieu of bipartisanship and making policy beneficial to our nation.

Instead of working with Trump to keep our economy roaring along and addressing issues like immigration laws, and fair trade, I believe that the House will not be bipartisan. The House will cause gridlock and continue the tantrums that they've been displaying for the past two years. I believe that the Democrats in the House have no intention of working to keep the improvements Trump and Congress have accomplished for America. 

They will attempt to burden most American's with higher taxes and higher health costs through government involvement; resend Trump's deregulation of bad policies; try to rewrite or eliminate the Second Amendment; and focus on impeachment. 

However, I'm holding out with reserved hope that the Democrats really do work with the president and keep our nation growing economically and militarily strong. I also hope that the Democrats stay out of our lives.

Michael Holsclaw


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