Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway speaks during a Michigan Republican Party Get Out the Vote Rally on Sunday, Nov. 4, 2018 at Top Gun Shooting Sports Inc. in Taylor.(Photo: Rachel Woolf, Special to The Detroit News)
Taylor — White House counselor Kellyanne Conway stumped for U.S. Senate candidate John James Sunday night at the Top Gun shooting range in Taylor, singling out the businessman and military veteran at rally with Michigan Republicans.
James would be a “reliable” vote on issues such as military funding, tax cuts and free enterprise, said Conway, who managed Republican President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign before joining him in the White House.
He’s “incredibly charismatic,” Conway added, urging voters to support the Farmington Hills Republican on Tuesday in his bid to unseat incumbent Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow. “You’ve got to convert that palpable excitement into political engagement.”
Conway, who noted that she was appearing in her personal capacity and not her role as a White House aide, is the latest Trump surrogate to campaign for James[1] as the administration seeks to defend majorities in both the House and Senate.
Eric Trump and Lara Trump both campaigned for James last month, and Trump lawyer Rudy Guiliani joined him Saturday in Holland. The president last visited Michigan in late April and is not expected before Tuesday’s election.
“If you think your vote doesn’t matter, that a slim majority doesn’t matter in the U.S. Senate, then you didn’t live through the Brett Kavanaugh hearings,” Conway said, referencing a combative confirmation process for the newest Supreme Court justice who was accused of sexual harassment.
Stabenow, who rallied with former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden in recent weeks, has touted her vote against Kavanaugh's confirmation. But she was "part of a cabal that