Cape Carteret, N.C.
Oct. 15, 2018
Democrat Party leadership is now a channel for uncivil disobedience. It has become unmoored from the Constitution. It has discarded due process, the rule of law and the presumption of innocence. It is also the party of abortion and gun control. The Democrat Party has become the party of the mob.
In the Nov. 6 mid-term elections, North Carolinians have a clear choice: Liberty vs. Mob Rule.
Volatile, polarizing rhetoric by national Democrat politicians and an irresponsible, agenda driven media have joined forces to gut freedom, liberty and the Constitution.
It appears those leading the party of the mob think an “established Justice, an insured domestic Tranquility, a common defence [sic], the promotion for the general Welfare, and security for the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” is no longer relevant.
The velocity of information eviscerates time for discourse and any search for truth is immaterial to debate. Identity politics, political correctness and the addiction of instant gratification fuel a national malcontent. Democrat leadership uses fear and resentment as weapons on a battlefield of ideas rather than use the American ethos in the marketplace of ideas.
What is the American ethos?
But first, here are some flash cards on the current political climate (not in order): Kavanaugh, Kanye, Roe vs. Wade, Second Amendment, personal security, private property, citizenship, economics, racism, sexism, Occupy, Antifa, impeachment, Mueller … or Alec Baldwin: “We need to overthrow the government.” (Oct. 15, 2018)
The American ethos is the American Dream. It is that set of ideals (democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity and equality) in which freedom includes the opportunity