The gun safety measures in Initiative 1639 will help keep our schools and our communities safer.
I am an attorney and former deputy prosecuting attorney. I am also a retired Army colonel and served in the Army Reserve for more than 30 years. I believe in the Second Amendment because I grew up in a gun-owning household where we used rifles and shotguns for hunting and target shooting. I was also an NRA member.
However, the mass shootings in Mukilteo, Las Vegas and Parkland have moved me to act. I can no longer remain on the sidelines while our elected officials do little more than offer thoughts and prayers while innocent Americans are gunned down.
During my civilian and military careers, I was dedicated to keeping our country and our communities safe, both at home and abroad. That is why I support Initiative 1639, which will implement common-sense measures that will help protect our schools and our communities from gun violence.
Pro-Con package on Initiative 1639, gun measures
Con 1639: Vote no on I-1639: Don't criminalize self-defense[1]
When serving as an officer in the Army Reserve, I commanded four units, including two basic training companies. New soldiers are required to undergo substantial training with firearms with a special emphasis on safety. Soldiers who leave their firearm unsecured or unattended are subject to disciplinary action. If their weapons discharge or are used in a crime, they could face a court martial.
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Unlimited Digital Access. $1 for 4 weeks.[2]When I returned to civilian life after reserve training, it was clear to me that too few civilians