On Thursday, California Senator Dianne Feinstein along with other Congressional Democrats reintroduced an assault weapons ban bill that faces stiff opposition from Republicans—and even some Democrats.
Given this influence the NRA has on Capitol Hill—and the regressive recalcitrance of Republicans—is it possible any new gun control legislation can be passed?
Speaking on the Hill, Senator Feinstein introduced a bill targeting banning assault weapons—like the Bushmaster assault rifle used in the Sand Hook killings—and high capacity magazine bullet clips and a list of other weapons. Senator Feinstein was the original author of the 1994 assault weapons ban which expired in 2004 and tailored the current bill with alterations on the 1994 bill.
Senator Feinstein’s current bill would:
• Strengthen the 1994 assault weapons ban by moving from a two- to a one-characteristic test to determine what constitutes an assault weapon.• Ban the sale, transfer, importation or manufacturing of approximately 150 named firearms, along with certain shotguns, rifles and handguns.• Ban firearms with “bullet buttons and "thumbhole stocks."• Ban the importation of large-capacity magazine assault weapons.• Ban high-capacity ammunition magazines holding more than 10 rounds.
Senator Feinstein’s bill has garnered the support of the Police Foundation, the U.S. Conference of Mayors and other groups. The California senator acknowledged it would be difficult to pass this legislation. “Getting this bill signed into law will be an uphill battle, and I recognize that—but it’s a battle worth having,” Feinstein said. “We must balance the desire of a few to own military-style assault weapons with the growing threat to lives across America.” She stated public pressure could force Congress to act. “We can win this," she said. "But it depends on America and it depends on the courage of Americans."
The NRA’S David Keene responded saying “Sen. Feinstein has been trying to ban guns from