To mark the first day of dove hunting season in Tennessee, former Governor Bredesen participated in a dove hunt in Unionville, Tenn. on Sept. 1, 2018.(Photo: Shelley Mays/The Tennessean)Buy Photo
U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn has not obtained a hunting or fishing license in Tennessee in the last 18 years. And, until last month, former Gov. Phil Bredesen went more than a decade without having a hunting license.
On Wednesday, the Republican and Democratic nominees for the U.S. Senate touted their credentials on guns, with the National Rifle Association endorsing Blackburn and Bredesen responding with a new ad.
U.S. Senate candidate former Tennessee governor Phil Bredesen talks with members of the Tennessean's Editorial Board. Ayrika L Whitney, The Tennessean
More: NRA endorses Blackburn in Senate race, launches attack against Bredesen[1]
But neither candidate had a hunting or fishing license until last month, according to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.
Last month, Bredesen obtained a one-year sportsman license for hunting, trapping and sport fishing just weeks ahead of the start of dove hunting season. Prior to that, Bredesen last had a combo hunting and fishing license in 2006, when he was re-elected to his second term as governor.
Before that he purchased a combo hunting and fishing license in 2001 and 2002 and a sportsman license in 2003.
Records dating back to 1999 indicate Blackburn, who the NRA hailed as a “champion of our Second Amendment freedoms,” has not obtained a hunting or fishing license, according to the TWRA.
Although hunting and guns have not been a central issue throughout this year’s election, Bredesen has tried to present himself as an outdoorsman. Earlier this month, Bredesen launched a new group of sportsmen and women backing his candidacy. To mark the first day of the season, Bredesen went dove hunting