By Brian Soergel | Sep 12, 2018

The City of Edmonds will be getting some free legal services in its battle against the Second Amendment Foundation and National Rifle Association, which last month sued the City[1], alleging, among other things, that the City’s newly adopted gun-control law, Ordinance 4120, violates the state's 35-year-old preemption statute.

On Aug. 13, the City was served with a complaint in Snohomish County Superior Court, Brett Bass et al. v. City of Edmonds et al. Joining in the legal action against Edmonds were two Edmonds residents, Brett Bass and Swan Seaberg. Named as defendants were Mayor Dave Earling and Police Chief Al Compaan.

The plaintiffs are represented by Seattle attorney Steven Fogg, at Corr Cronin LLP.

The City intends to vigorously defend the ordinance, City Attorney Jeff Taraday said.

On Tuesday, councilmembers unanimously agreed to authorize Mayor Earling to draw up two letters for pro bono defense of the lawsuit challenging the ordinance – one with the litigation team at Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund and the other with Summit Law Group.

Both approached the city and offered pro bono work together in defending the City, and will work in conjunction with the Lighthouse Law Group, Taraday’s Seattle-based firm.

Everytown and Summit will not charge the city any attorney fees, and Taraday will provide direction on litigation decisions as they arise. Everytown will pay for what it calls certain reasonable expenses, including its own travel expenses.

Most other costs, in particular, costs imposed by the court and incurred by Summit, will be paid by the City.








  1. ^ which last month sued the City (

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