NRA's Wayne LaPierre Asks: 'Who's Your Daddy?'
This week former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband have unleashed the first of a set of radio advertisements attacking Republican lawmakers who opposed gun legislation in the wake of last week’s defeat of a bill to tighten gun laws.
Given the refusal of the Senate to act on sensible gun control legislation it's time for average Americans to forcefully speak up against the proliferation of automatic weapons that are flooding the streets and wreaking havoc in American society?
Through their group Americans for Responsible Solutions, Giffords and her husband, former Navy captain and astronaut Mark Kelly, plan to target those Republicans—and four Democrats—who helped kill last week’s bill with the hopes of removing them from office through voter disenchantment.
According to Americans for Responsible Solutions it has received online contributions from over 24, 000 people since last week’s vote. The group said the donations were "a sign of extraordinary anger and determination from Americans throughout the country.” The first two ads attack two Republicans in particular—Senator Kelly Ayotte (N.H.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
One ad features two women decrying the fact that Senator Ayotte voted against the wishes of voters from New Hampshire. One woman in the ad states "This was common-sense legislation written by a Republican and a Democrat, supported by law enforcement, and it protected Second Amendment rights. But Ayotte voted against it anyway." The other woman in the ad agrees adding "And ignored the will of the people."
In another ad, attacking Senator McConnell, listeners are asked to call the senator and remind him of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut. In the ad, a narrator says “We watched. We listened. We felt it. Newtown. But Sen. McConnell won’t listen to us.”