All politics aside, the recent shooting in Florida, and every other shooting in a public place, is a senseless and, possibly, preventable tragedy. It is absurd that we can’t gather in a free society without the fear of some nut job or terrorist using us as targets.
And then the cries of “do something!” from every quarter. But, other than the obvious attempt by agenda-pushers to use a tragedy to get their way, I read nothing useful. No one has an idea? Really? Ban “assault rifles” is all you got? With less than 10 percent of gun murders committed using a rifle that is pitiful. Confiscate all weapons? Ain’t gonna happen folks – our founders knew better.
So, since no one else will propose solutions I will. Here are six actions we could take that could lessen the number of these tragedies. Or not – who knows? But at least we “did something.”
1) Harden the targets – you cannot randomly walk into a sports event, concert, Federal building or even large work places. Controlled access is the norm, wherever public safety matters. Except in schools. I’m not talking metal detectors and bomb-sniffing dogs, but it should not be that easy to walk in a school with a rifle!
And while we are on the subject why can’t there be a couple of armed and armored defenders on campus at all times? Please notice that shooters avoid hard targets – they don’t show up at an NRA convention looking for victims. And before you cry “we can’t afford that” let me remind you how bloated our school budgets are with failed experiments in learning. One more thing – every celebrity, sports star, CEO and, of course, politician is protected by armed guards. I thought we