Boise (670 KBOI News) – Idaho’s two major political parties are holding their state conventions this weekend, on opposite sides of the state.
The Idaho Republican Party Convention got underway today in Pocatello, and they’re trotting out some star power.
Retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel and Incoming National Rifle Association President Oliver North will speak at Holt Arena on the Idaho State University campus from 7:00-8:30 tomorrow night.
His message…the Second Amendment doesn’t have to be a partisan issue.
“I want to make sure all those great Republicans out there, and the Democrats, that they know the NRA is doing everything it can to encourage those who support the 2nd Amendment, get elected to office,” said North. “That’s governors, that’s state representatives, that’s members of the House and Senate.”
He says contrary to what many people may think, the Second Amendment continues to be in danger, with retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, and a number of Congressmen calling for its outright repeal.
Click here for more information.[1]
Here in the Treasure Valley, the College of Idaho is hosting the Idaho Democratic Party Convention.
Senator Maryanne Jordan of Boise says they’re fired up after their huge turnout in the primary elections.
She says they’ll be working on Idahocentric solutions to some grassroots problems.
“We are very much concerned about the future of public education in the State of Idaho, really focused on an economy that works for everybody, in terms of jobs and affordable housing,” said Jordan. “So we have a lot of things we’re going to be able to work on together, and carry us into the Fall.”
The convention starts tomorrow, with breakfast at 7:30 and registration at 9:00. It wraps up Saturday night…for some