After every school shooting, mass shooting or terrorist event, there will always be the unavoidable altercation of ideologies. It is unavoidable. The impassioned argument between Second Amendment supporters and gun-control advocates will never end. The two sides are discussing two totally different things. A dispute can never be settled if neither party agrees on the actual subject of that dispute.
This is not merely a case of “two sides of the same coin,” it’s two different coins. One coin is trying to solve the problem of the violence. The other coin merely wants to remove the first coin from the argument.
I am in the camp of Second Amendment supporters. Like many of my side, I use facts, logic, and referenceable numbers to argue my point of view. I research news articles and government websites to write articles, quoting those specific references. I pride myself on being able to prove my point and back it up with fact.
In the meantime, I watch in frustration as mainstream media outlets state nothing but emotion.
Arguments from them usually entail “Blame the NRA,” “It’s <insert any conservative politicians name here> fault,” or “the Second Amendment should be repealed." They are basically infomercials for the gun control ideology.
Even when it comes to solutions, the left is still about vagaries and emotional pleas. The argument that “something must be done” is purely unsubstantial. “Doing Something” without a clearly defined reason or objective can be a dangerous overreaction. We all want something to be done to stop these horrible events. However, some of us want to think the process through, rationally and logically.
Second Amendment supporters encourage solutions that may actually have some effect on improving public or school safety.