(This report is a preview of this week's New Hampshire Primary Source column, which will be published in full on WMUR.com early Thursday.)

GUN RIGHTS GROUP ENDORSEMENT. The Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund endorsed state Sen. Andy Sanborn for the 1st District U.S. House seat Wednesday morning in Concord.

New Hampshire Primary Source first reported[1] the endorsement earlier Wednesday morning on Twitter.

GOA is the second-largest gun rights group in the nation. With more than 1.5 million members, it trails only the National Rifle Association.

GOA bills itself as “the only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington,” displaying the quote from former presidential candidate and U.S. Rep. Ron Paul on its website.

Among those speaking for the GOA was Alan Rice, who heads the state arm of the GOA, the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition, but who also has a role as a spokesman and lobbyist for the national organization.

Sanborn, a Bedford Republican who is leaving the Senate after four terms to run for the federal office, is a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

Sanborn said he is “the only candidate running in this race from either party that has a proven record of standing up for the 2nd Amendment.

State senator and GOP congressional candidate Andy Sanborn s

In a statement, he continued: “We all know that talk is cheap, and politicians will say anything to get elected. Until you have taken the tough votes and had to stand strong in the face of lobbyists, special interests, and the numerous attack groups, voters do not truly know where you stand, especially on the Second Amendment.

“My opponents can fill out all the surveys they want but it is all empty promises until it comes times to vote.

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