
Marisol Fuentes lives a block from the Roebling Wire Works factory where the shooting took place. Kevin R. Wexler, Kevin R. Wexler

Art All NightThe Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense table at Art All Night in Trenton asked participants to imagine a world without gun violence and write their thoughts on small piece of paper to be included in an interactive mural. At 2:45 a.m. at least three gunmen disrupted the annual event and sent 20 victims to the hospital.(Photo: ~Courtesy of Fran Carroll)The irony of the night was not lost on Fran Carroll. Having spent four hours asking Art All Night attendees to “imagine a world without gun violence,” Carroll — a volunteer for Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense — no longer can. Carroll was present early Sunday morning when gunmen started shooting at the state’s largest arts festival."I have now experienced firsthand the terror of an active shooting situation," said Carroll, in between bouts of tears. "Of running with a stampede of people, pushing and shoving. Of taking shelter behind a thin wood wall that I knew wouldn’t stop a bullet, wondering where else I could hide, should we crouch behind that stack of tables? Not knowing if it was safe to run outside with most of the crowd because we had no idea where the gunman – gunmen? – was."Prior to 2:45 a.m. and her shift which started at 11 p.m., Carroll, who lives in Hamilton, spent several hours at the arts festival with a fellow Moms Demand Action volunteer admiring the art festival’s offerings."It was awesome, it was friendly. I felt safe," Carroll said.READ: Art All Night in Trenton ends in mass shooting, leaving 1 dead, 22 injured on Father's Day[1]READ: Phil Murphy: Trenton police

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