What are liberals going to say for themselves if Donald Trump gets assassinated? That’s a question worth pondering as a new effort is under way to delegitimize The Donald in the wake of his remarks on the Second Amendment.
Leftists are accusing Mr. Trump of trying to incite an attack on Hillary Clinton from “Second Amendment people.” They have been using such intemperate language that it wouldn’t be surprising if someone took a shot at The Donald. (As feds suspect a British national intended to do at a rally in June after attempting to grab a police officer’s gun to carry out the assassination.)
Scott Adams, famed cartoonist of Dilbert, had already been mocking Clinton for pairing “the idea of President Trump with nuclear disaster, racism, Hitler, the Holocaust and whatever else makes you tremble in fear.”
The incitement got so bad that Adams, in a satire on blog.dilbert.com, “endorsed” Clinton. He did so, he explained, “for my personal safety.” Quoth he: “My safety is at risk if I am seen as supportive of Trump.”
It’s no joke, to judge by the newswires. This week in Bloomfield, New Jersey, police reported that a man was assaulted with a crowbar for, as the Drudge Report headlined it, wearing a Donald Trump shirt.
In the latest brouhaha, Mr. Trump tried to mark the difference between Secretary Clinton and himself in respect of the Bill of Rights’ command that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Mr. Trump, like all GOP candidates for president, is for strict obedience to the Second Amendment, which has been called the palladium of our liberty. He’s allied himself with — and been endorsed by — the National Rifle Association.