Putnam donation a reason
to leave Publix alone
Leave Publix alone, says Roger McCord in his letter, “Publix shouldn’t be criticized for stand[1]” (Sunday), supporting gubernatorial candidate Adam Putnam’s (career politician) long-standing relationship with Publix.
Well, okay,` then, there’s Aldi, Costco, Dollar Tree, Doris Market, Fresh Market, Sam’s Club, Target, Trader Joe’s, Walmart, Winn-Dixie, Whole Foods and plenty of local green markets. Oh yes, and soon-to-open Earth Fare, too. And that’s just in my neck of the woods.
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I am delighted the Palm Beach Post enlightened me to the cozy relationship Putnam has had with Publix. Hooray for our newspaper and its investigating reporting. Long live newsprint.
Between Putnam and Rick Scott and this paper’s reporting, this reluctant Republican will be voting for other underdogs come Aug. 28.
Leave Publix alone? You bet I will.
Foolish ‘die-in’ protests
reason to support Publix
Of course, we all have to preface any comment regarding the “die-in” at various Publix stores. We have to say the obligatory, “Of course, we feel for their hurt.”
Now we have that out of way.
These protesters have made fools of themselves. But worse. Publix has alienated half the country by caving into their demands. Now Publix has decided to temporarily halt any donations to political candidates. By doing this, the protesters need to know that 60 percent or more of Publix $2.5 million in political donations have gone to other candidates — many of which the protesters most likely support. So now those politicians don’t get any more money, either.
The stores should have called the police to have them removed. They are