Re May 10 letter, “Reasonable gun regs block by NRA”: Stephen Anderson views the NRA as a threat. It does appear he doesn’t own any firearms, nor is familiar with the process of legally obtaining a firearm, both long gun or pistol, nor the existing laws.
His view of the NRA tactics seems to go against those that he would use to enforce and maintain the Second Amendment right of individuals to own guns. Negotiating from a position of strength has proven itself time and time again to be the greater of choice. History has proven appeasement never works.
Mr. Anderson mentions the “no-fly” list. Is he aware of the problems involved with the no-fly list? Is he aware that people have been erroneously placed upon this list, with no recourse to having their names removed? The same issues hold true with the lists prepared by the state and federal governments regarding those who have been erroneously placed upon the “mentally ill” lists. The NRA didn’t commit these acts.
When the Second Amendment was written, the intent was to guarantee the “people” should and would have the means to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. The “modern arms” of the times were the cap lock and flint lock, not the match lock. In this day and age, “modern firearms” are much different.
There’s no doubt that Mr. Anderson dislikes the AR-15 type of firearm. In his comments, he clearly doesn’t understand the issue at hand and the laws currently in effect. The AR-15 type of firearms is not a fully automatic firearm. Fully automatic firearms are allowed by the federal government for civilian ownership by applying and submitting to an extensive background check.
I would