With the National Rifle Association getting ready to hold its annual meeting[1] this weekend in Dallas, one local restaurant got itself in hot water over gun control. Ellen's Restaurant included a message on the bottom of its receipts on Friday morning: "Thanks for visiting Ellen's! A portion of this week's proceeds will be donated to organizations dedicated to implementing reasonable and effective gun regulations. Welcome to Dallas!"
Proponents and opponents of gun control weighed in on social media, including Yelp reviews over the weekend penned by folks who've never dined at the all-day brunch spot.
Joe Groves, owner of the restaurant, said he decided several weeks ago to make what he believed to be a positive statement. While ready for some backlash, "I had no idea those two buzzwords -- reasonable and effective -- would create such a stir," he told CBS MoneyWatch.
"The good news is business is up 27 percent for the week," with more than $15,000 raised for a to-be-named national organization with a local chapter in Dallas, said Groves, adding: "The NRA helped us promote our cause."
After posting a photo of the receipt on Facebook, Groves found himself on the receiving end of the NRA's wrath. The gun-rights advocacy organization quickly took to Twitter to urge the roughly 80,000 people in town for its four-day gathering to "steer clear" of the eatery.
Attn @AnnualMeetings attendees. Steer clear of Ellen’s in downtown Dallas! Why go there when there are so many other great choices. ????#sorrynotsorry #StandAndFight #DefendTheSecond pic.twitter.com/joX7pPoPm4[2][3][4][5][6]
— NRA (@NRA)
The NRA's post sparked thousands of comments by those tweeting appreciation for the restaurant or the opposite.