To the editor:
The sharp divide in our politics is a deception. In almost every issue, broad agreement exists for progressive actions. The schism is the fabrication of extreme groups perpetrated to defend their archaic philosophies.
The information I provide below is mostly from the PEW Research Center. PEW is a nonpartisan public research organization which performs research and analysis. Its methods are scientifically and mathematically rigorous. It provides only facts and analysis.
Less than one person in 100 is a member of the National Rifle Association. Only 3 of 10 people own a firearm. Three percent of the people own 50 percent of the firearms. The NRA frequently omits the phrase “A well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state,” when they discuss the Second Amendment.
However, 90 percent of the people support preventing mentally ill people from owning guns, 84 percent support thorough background checks, 71 percent support a federal comprehensive database for all gun sales, 68 percent favor banning assault style military weapons and 65 percent support banning high-capacity magazines.
According to the Supreme Court, all those actions are within the meaning of the Second Amendment. The “security of a free state…” certainly includes being secure from the threat of mass murder.
In other areas, 74 percent support legal DACA status; 60 percent oppose substantially expanding the border wall; 56 percent approve the Affordable Care Act compared to 38 percent disapproving — an 18 percent difference. Eighty percent agree to managing the immigration system; 76 percent agree to protecting the environment; 71 percent support Social Security; 68 percent support universal access to quality education; 67 percent support helping people in poverty; 65 percent see a strong role for the federal government in work place standards; and 59 percent support the right of choice compared to 37 percent who support right to life.
The United States ranks 27th among democratic nations with 55.7 percent voter participation. Voter suppression and gerrymandering, mostly in conservative states, is responsible for poor turnout. Voter indifference plays a lesser role.
Walden receives an “A” from the NRA. He has also abdicated our right to Congressional representation to the Americans for Tax Reform (the swamp) by signing the “No Tax Pledge.” Walden has chosen not to represent us but, instead, carry the water for this corrupt and incompetent administration.
Suppressing voter participation is what has brought us to this mess. Citizens must rise to the challenge by exercising their birth right.
Turn the sheep Walden out. Flip Congress to deliver us from this scourge.
Terry Armentrout
The Dalles