U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- Recently I finished a journey that began in the Summer of 2019. The Rangemaster instructor program consists of three courses, spanning a total of eight days and 64+ hours, and is widely regarded as the finest instructor development program in the US. With a washout rate hovering around 15%, students are required to pass several shooting tests and one written test across the three courses. The Master Instructor course is the culmination of everything, with just a few dozen shooters holding the rating as of the time of this writing. Over three days I took 46 pages of notes, with the below being my summary and review of the Rangemaster Master Instructor Development Course.
The Royal Range, Nashville, Tennessee.
The weather was cold with mild snow and slush. Luckily the foul weather wasn’t a factor due to the entirety of class happening indoors.
For the majority of the class, I used a Glock 19 outfitted with a Holosun 509T riding on a C&H Precision MOS plate. This was carried in a KSG Armory Halcyon AIWB holster. Aside from a single 45 degree Esstac Kywi, spare magazines are carried in my pockets. For Mirror-Image shooting, I opted for a PHLster Pro holster.
During the revolver portion of class, I used a 2.5” barrel Smith & Wesson Model 19. This was carried in a JM Custom Kydex AIWB holster. Speedloaders consist of Safariland Comp2, a Jetloader, and HKS loaders carried in a Speedbeez pouch worn IWB, and multiple JOX Loader Pouches. For partial reloads I used a Galco 2x2x2 pouch mounted on my belt.
The class consisted of 20 students, two of which were women. Ages range