Nashville, TN -(AmmoLand.com)- The challenge is for western hunters shooting long-range steel animal targets in the high country of Utah. The best of Precision Rifle Shooters show up to take on Doug Koenig’s rifle challenge.
Plus, the rifle for hunters in the 19th century, sending half-inch caliber lead to take down dangerous game. The .500 Black Powder Express is now one of History’s Guns.
Then the number one question in the 21st century – “Where’s the Ammo?” We’re inside Hornady Manufacturing to get the answer.
And Julie Golob is going to get you ready for your first Practical Shooting Match. More Info…
Wednesday 9:00 PM Eastern and Pacific, 8:00 PM Central on Outdoor Channel.
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On The Sportsman Canada Channel.
Our Same Show, the Same Week, as in the USA.
Shooting Ranges and Competitions are open and happening. Grab some of your ammo stash and get out there shooting again. And wherever you go, Stay Armed in dangerous times.
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Defending the 2nd by Example in the 28th Year
About Shooting USA:
Jim Scoutten, America’s Most Watched Firearms Reporter, has been on the beat for 25 years, reporting the stories of the Shooting Sports and the Firearms Industry. The show produces a series of popular segments focusing on historical guns, the personalities in the sport and industry, insider reports from gun tests, and practical tips from shooting sports pros. The show appeals to shooting sports enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels by