Nashville, TN -(AmmoLand.com)- They are the two newest and most popular divisions of United States Practical Shooting Association competition. Carry Optics allows red dot slide-ride optics on 9mm pistols, and Pistol Caliber Carbine is competition with rifles chambered in calibers that can be used on pistol bays and targets. John Scoutten covers the action in the race for the Championship Titles on the ranges at Talladega Marksmanship Park.
Plus the rarest of historic flintlock double rifles suitable for museum display. But, Dr. Lewis Drake intends to shoot them in a power test of the big game guns from the 1700s.
And James Jean comes up with another Impossible Shot to let us know “That’s how you do it.” More Info…
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Our best wishes for your 2022. Resolve to get out shooting and hunting more often as the price and availability of ammo starts easing in the market.
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Defending the 2nd by Example in the 29th Year
About Shooting USA:
Jim Scoutten, America’s Most Watched Firearms Reporter, has been on the beat for 25 years, reporting the stories of the Shooting Sports and the Firearms Industry. The show produces a series of popular segments focusing on historical guns, the personalities in the sport and industry, insider reports from gun tests, and practical