Massachusetts – -(AmmoLand.com)- When people were looking to arm themselves in the early days of firearms, they might be seeking particular parts, or the full gambit of lock, stock, and barrel. The tradition of individuals building their own firearms in the United States goes back to before our founding. Running down to the sporting goods store or gun shop was not what it’s like today.
Getting a firearm could have been a real ordeal and depending on one’s economic status, also depended on what level of home manufacture one would engage in. There was, and still is, nothing nefarious about an individual getting just the lock for a prospective firearm and then building the rest.
Due to technological advances, the realm of homemade firearms has expanded in exciting and interesting ways. Once veiled in smoky mystery, perhaps even looked upon in a negative manner, the 3D printing of firearm frames or completion of 80% kits is now coming to mainstream and has surfaced. Home manufacturing of firearms has a nuevo noir feel to it. Politically speaking, the talking heads and anti-freedom caucus members have named this normal practice as the building of so-called “ghost guns”. I personally remember reading about “ghost guns” a number of years ago and knew it’d proliferate into the next cause celeb for the gun grabbers to hang onto. We’ll get back to those “ghost guns” again here shortly.
Rob Pincus, firearms instructor, author, and now near expert in the home manufacturing of firearms is normalizing this process. Watching Rob’s social media posts over the last year, year plus, people could follow his progress in creating firearm frames with a 3D printer. Eventually, Pincus was bringing his