Nashville, TN -(AmmoLand.com)- Hornady’s annual Three Gun Match in Nebraska has become a Zombie-killing tradition, long after the TV Zombie craze has worn off. It is a match focused on fun far more than winning, with the creative stages of fire attracting hundreds of shooters of all skill levels for a fine time in a weekend of neutralizing the undead.
Plus, the 2,000 members of the top teams in the USA High School Clay Target League meet on the Trap ranges in Michigan to shoot for the national titles, with each team officially representing their local High School. It’s the championship of the best teams from 1,300 High Schools in 32 states.
Then, John has your first look at new products for 2021 that were to be seen at the NRA Annual Meeting.
And Julie Golob has a Pro Tip on how the target presentation will determine your speed in competition. More Info…
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Shooting Ranges and Competitions are open and happening. Grab some of your ammo stash and get out there shooting again. And wherever you go, Stay Armed in dangerous times.
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Defending the 2nd by Example in the 28th Year
About Shooting USA:
Jim Scoutten, America’s Most Watched Firearms Reporter, has been on the beat for 25 years, reporting the stories