Denver, Colorado – -( On Sunday, August 22nd, 2021, several private gun makers competed in the first regional event conducted by Guns For Everyone National as part of the Gun Maker’s Match series. The event was hosted at Triple J Armory in Denver, Colorado. Are We Cool Yet? and Second Amendment Organization both assisted with the weekend of firearms fun and learning.
After the success of our First Gun Maker’s Match back in June, we started the process of organizing regional events for private gun makers around the country. This was the first one to be conducted. The event consisted of 3 stages and shooters used both Kit-Built and 3D Printed Firearms. Many of those who participated had never shot in a competition before. One of them even competed with a handgun that he built from a Polymer80 kit the day before. He built it during a Private Gun Making Educational Event that was conducted at the same location. It was an awesome weekend celebrating our gun freedom during National Shooting Sports Month!
“It was incredible to see a diverse group of people enjoy and participate in their freedom,” said Edgar Antillon, founder of Guns for Everyone National, the 501c3 Organization that sanctions Gun Maker’s Match events. Firearms Policy Coalition has backed both the competitions and the educational events intended to help more people get involved in private gun making.